dnGREP Powerful text search utility for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

dnGREP Abstract:

dnGrep allows you to search across files with easy-to-read results. It is a free and open source grep application that's well-designed, advanced, powerful and easy-to-use.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Clever context menu integration - Screenshot of dnGREP
Clever context menu integration.
Screenshot of dnGREP - 2540px · 1628px
Finds more than just files - Screenshot of dnGREP
Finds more than just files.
Screenshot of dnGREP - 2540px · 1628px
Save search tasks for later use - Screenshot of dnGREP
Save search tasks for later use.
Screenshot of dnGREP - 1813px · 1500px
dnGREP: User interface - Screenshot of dnGREP
dnGREP: User interface.
Screenshot of dnGREP - 1500px · 1390px
dnGREP screenshot
Screenshot of dnGREP -
Size: 2540px · 1628px